Tea Party Patriots of Monterey County will be holding its next general meeting on Thursday, July 24, 2014, in the Community Room of the Marina Public Library, located at 190 Seaside Circle in Marina....right off of Reservation Rd...behind the Walmart!
There is a meet & greet from 5:45 - 6:15 p.m with the general meeting starting immediately after that! This is a great opportunity to meet others who share your concerns. Bring an appetizer or finger food to share!
There will be a panel discussion on Common Core along with some short video clips being shown relating to Common Core. Mary White of the Monterey County Education Department will be present to explain how Monterey County is implementing Common Core.
Bring your questions and comments to share!
The meeting is open to the public and free...although donations to cover costs are always appreciated!
For more information...go to: http://www.meetup.com/tea-party-patriots-of-monterey-county/