On Thursday, August 8, 2013, starting at 6:30 p.m. TPPofMC will be
showing the Tea Party Patriots' 2012 documentary on Obamacare: "The Determinators: Whoever Pays Holds the Power to Decide"
in the Community Room of the Marina Public Library located at 190
Seaside Court in Marina (behind WalMart - right off of Reservation Road
near Hwy 1 exit). Social: 5:45 p.m. Meeting: 6:30 p.m.
The Determinators takes a close look at Obamacare and asks: "The game of your medical care plays on. Is the President's new
health care plan really health reform? Or a reshuffling of money and
lives? Is your doctor now accountable to you or the government? Who
determines the quality of life? Who determines the quantity of care?
Your very life depends on who controls the game. Because whoever pays
for your health care holds the power to decide."
Town Hall Preparation: After the movie - we will hold a roundtable discussion on those issues that concern us: Obamacare....the IRS targeting of Obama's political opponents...border security....gun control....debt/deficit....unemployment....jobs....government regulations....etc....